Good the first, forward to the second. Today (May 28, 2022), starting from the Banting Macleod Best and Collip public park, the first walk promoted and wanted by AGD Bologna to support research for a cure for type 1 diabetes and to put an end to diabetes was held.
In a nutshell, the walk was a success: despite the busy schedule of similar concurrent events on the same day and the adverse weather conditions, 200 people took part in the walk along the path that runs alongside the Reno river in Bologna.
The event was made possible thanks to the commitment and strength of our many volunteers who covered every operational detail from an organizational and human point of view, professionally and without effort.
The commitment certainly does not stop there, we are already at work for the second edition of the walk, and during this period of time we must not let go of the “mother of all diseases” diabetes, a condition a harbinger of chronicity, a pandemic that does not stop and that in order to prevent it, to support research and arrive at results, so far there has been little evidence.

As I wrote last 11/15/2020

But there is more: while the many faces of diabetes are among us and will be even more so in the coming years and decades, there is a lack of awareness and maturity in our society and in Italy towards a pathology that requires the ability and strength of action on a global and national level. Little or nothing is done in the search for a cure for both type 1 diabetes and in general for any form of diabetes and this is serious, since the daily management of the disease is heavy, as are its complications …

We can, we must: we must do more towards ourselves and the generations to come, making them a more sustainable planet and ecosystem starting from our own daily practice.