Tag: video

Video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion.
Video technology was first developed for cathode ray tube television systems, but several new technologies for video display devices have since been invented. Standards for television sets and computer monitors have tended to evolve independently, but advances in computer performance and digital television broadcasting and recording are resulting in a convergence of standards and use of content. Computers can now display television and film-style video clips and streaming media, encouraged by increased processor speed, storage capacity, and broadband access to the Internet. General purpose computing hardware can now be used to capture, store, edit, and transmit television and movie content, as opposed to older dedicated analog technologies.
The term video (“video” meaning “I see”, from the Latin verb “videre”)…

Game Over

L’associazione tra comportamenti alimentari e videogiochi In un recente studio pubblicato sul Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition , i ricercatori hanno studiato il comportamento alimentare e la salute delle…